Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Black Bear

I saw you in the woods, up close, a long time ago. I saw you in clouds this past fall, and tried to understand your message. Everything I read about 'bear energy' says it's time to reflect and 'be', vs. 'do'; be meditative, trust your own intuitive feelings about your dreams and goals; be true to boundaries and spend time connecting with Mother Nature. Well, after the chaos of February, and now, continuing into March, this seems almost impossible in my life.  But when the idea for this little painted stone came to me, it was something I couldn't not do.

It's one of those simple, "1-2-3"  projects that makes me smile, and gives me purpose in my 45 minutes of solitude at the end of the day. I don't have to embark on adding to one of my 'bigger' projects - though those are beckoning constantly - and I can still feel a sense of satisfaction. I think bear will like his final resting place, very much.

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