Monday, February 22, 2010

They Are Done!

I'm happy to say that despite in the mayhem in my world over the last few weeks, I did  manage to complete one painting, my Mermaids. A few  waves painted here, and a little glitter added there, and viola! This is one of my mixed media pieces that is complete, right down to it's sparkly finishing touches.


Of course, it is those very sparkly finishing touches, plus my lack of finesse with my camera that hinder you from really seeing some if the details, but hey, I'm sure you get the general idea. I'm thinking of a way to 'seal' the whole piece with out dulling over the glitter, and I'm thinking that my old friend modge podge will do it, as long as I take care to paint around the glitter areas. I thought of spraying too, with a fixative, but not sure how that would work out. Any ideas as to what kind of sealants work best for mixed media pieces?

The 'day after' snow photos

OK, so these are about a week and a half late, but I wanted to share anyway. Here are two decent photos from the recent snow dumpings on my town.Everything looks so pretty and pristine when it's sunny and white....until the stuff starts melting - then it just gets heavier and heavier to shovel! But I prefer to remember it like this, then to view it all melty and mushy and re-frozen, and gray...the way it is now.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

After the snow, and the snow, and the snow...

Fantasy: I was hoping to update this blog and finish/start /continue some artwork during the recent snow days. Reality: I have no widgets (at least, I don’t think I do….) still not sure what the difference is between ‘following’, getting email updates, or url-ing on my blog and remain confused about refining the layout stuff. How the heck do I get my banner smaller, and add some bullet points underneath it? (probably back to the HTML). And there were no updates to, continuation of, or new beginnings happening at my easel, or in my notebooks. I did manage to snap a photo of a fabulous after-snow sunset and some photos of a near white-out from the blizzard while it was happening. I’m coming off of almost two weeks of nonstop snow, school closings, snow bound kids, & stir crazy me. Yeah, I had this crazy idea that I was actually going to do some creative stuff on those snowed in days…puh-leez. I did allot of laundry, sweeping and mopping, and half way successful attempts at organization. And reading…lots of magazines to grab my attention – perfect when my attention span is frayed and frazzled to hell. But I’ve got some ideas about what my fantasy spring wardrobe will look like…( strappy sandals, blousy tops, breezy minis and indigo jeans and capris to die for) which made me start thinking about my jumpstarting my commitment to lose weight and get healthy. I may not be able to seek enough solace in my house to create, but I can crank up the stereo and use my mini-weights!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Something new from something old

Maybe it takes a snowed-in weekend to get around to creating something that's been 'on the table' for awhile. This collage is one such piece. I've had the parts of it -hand colored copies of photos, magazine cut outs and colored pencil drawings - for some time, but hadn't envisioned the collage as a whole.


It is a paper collage of me and my sister and our mom, from way back...much longer ago than I can remember. I guess snow days also allow quiet time to reminisce, to remember, to think about all that is, what could have been, and what is to come. Some people , they say, leave an indelible mark on our souls, even after they've left us. All of the memories I have of my mom are vague, at best - but, in my mind's eye, I imagine a loving steady relationship between the three of us...we three.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

progress and a new direction

I had been thinking that the skull motifs would really work in the girl and goat painting after my last post. I decided to add a few to the bottom before I put the skull lanterns in the background. We'll see where it goes.


 And flaming snake lady is making progress.